Blog #4

Sandigan is a Tagalog word which refers to someone/something that you can lean on or depend to.



Even the strong ones get tired and grow weak. But finding and falling on your safe ground will show you that even in your weak points, someone is there to be your strength; to be your fighter.

How are you? How was life?

They say that life has its ups and downs. Indeed, it is true. To be able to know that you are living, you must know how to fall and what does it feels like to grow because of pain. Encountering problems is inevitable. Sometimes it might be unexpected. And that is why everytime I felt like I’m lost, I am reminded of something. During our 2nd semester, one of our projects is to create a list of ‘ethics’ or ‘guidelines’ that keeps me guided in life. Among these, I would share to you the 5 principles that I follow. These principles also serve as the foundation of myself in everyday living.

It is my core. It is my faith that keeps me going.


Our life is like an adventure and on our paths, we may get lost as we are consumed with darkness. That is why my first life principle is upholding my faith. My faith in God keeps me guided; it helps me to find hope.

That is why if we make our faith our compass and our light, we will never be lost in our way. This will keep us to walk the path that God directed for us because our faith in Him will help us on our way. It will lead us towards the greater good and towards the plan God prepared for us.


For me, God is Love. We may have a variety interpretation of what love is but if we keep Him the center of our hearts and the inspiration of our feelings, then our love will last. Like for example is in our partners. Looking at the successful and strong relationships like my parents’ marriage helped me realized that with God as the center of their love, everything is possible. It is His love that makes us capable of loving and nurturing it for we loved others because God has loved us first. His sacrifice reflected His love for humanity which makes us what we are today. With that, one of my life value which is love will be reflected in Him. I can be able to help my neighbor, sacrifice for my loved ones, and lastly, love itself because He taught me what love is and I will show that love He has for me to others too.

God will fill up the empty heart with His love. Our wounds will be mended by Him. Only when we learn how to open up to God will we experience grow and become whole again.


As we all knew, everything begin within ourselves that is why if you love yourself, the rest will follow. When I first read this quotation, it made me realized how essential self-love is because for me, loving ourselves is like opening multiple doors towards new possibilities. When you love yourself, you can be able to experience self-growth. When you love yourself, you can fulfill the things you want to do. When you love yourself, you can be love others too.  That is why love starts by opening your own door first then to others. This will help us to nurture ourselves so that we can be able to love others best as we became someone better for we have that thing called self-love.

Self-love will begin the moment you trust yourself without doubt on what you can do.


You’re not alone. You have God with you. This is a reminder for me, or for each of us, whenever we experience difficulties in life that someone is there for us in our battles and that is God. I remember writing on my blog a similar topic about this. I recall saying that life can be like the weather, it changes from sunny, rain, storms, etc. But through it all, one thing was always there- it was the clouds; the skies. The skies were there all along for us through our sunny and rainy days yet we failed to notice and that sky is God. God is our sky that will never left us whatever we experience in life even if it is in our storms.

That is why as we struggle, there will come a time where we will get tired of fighting. But then we must remember that when we surrender, we surrender to God because He will guide us and fight along with us in our battles. Sometimes, it isn’t bad to surrender. Take it easy. It’s normal to get tired and stop. You don’t need to continue pushing yourself when you know you can’t do it anymore.

Take a moment to PAUSE.


Sometimes, a little rest will help you to recharge so that next time, you can start again. But this time, you’re whole.

As a Christian, I learned that the struggle we have in life is given to us by God for us to grow as a person. For in every single thing that we experience, we will learn. So be reminded that everything happens for a reason. And don’t forget that someone is there for you watching you in the skies. He is that someone where we can always go back to. Someone we can surrender to.


When you feel uncertain, remember that in life, we experience surprises even struggles before we achieve our end goal. But then as it is said, “Patience is a virtue.” I believed that everything we experience in life is planned by God. He already laid out a best future for each of us that is why we need to put our trust in Him. He’s just preparing us for it because everything has its own perfect timing. We just needed patience for life isn’t a race towards our goals. It is a masterpiece prepared by Him.

For one to be able to live a good life, it must begin with God then ourselves until we can be able to do the same thing we treat ourselves to others. That is why these 5 beliefs of mine serve as the pillar of my life principles. It has been my foundation to be able to have the strength and courage to continue. God is not only my skies. He is also my fighter. He taught me not only courage but also love. I believe that a heart that can love is a heart that truly lives. For it is through love where we can be able to learn what we can do, what we are capable of, and what we can give for love.



“He will always be our constant.”

Whatever happens in life, know that God is the author of our stories. He will be there writing our humble beginnings, chapters, and even endings.


I’m finally back to blogging! Sorry for being inactive for months. It just gets a little busy with school since I’m graduating. But don’t worry! Although I don’t have a specific schedule for my posting, I will try to always update my blogs (I’ll try my best).

Tune in on my social media accounts for more updates! See you on my next post!

©Thalena 2020